2023-08-03 ThuにATProtocolの開発者ブログで「Call for Developers | AT Protocol」が投稿されたので紹介します。
? Call for developers!
— bluesky (@bluesky) August 3, 2023
On the AT Protocol, third-party can be as seamless as first-party through custom feeds, federated services, and more.
We’d love to welcome more devs to join us in building these services. Fill out a form linked here:https://t.co/pGItLWCuDR
? Call for developers! … but this time, in a blog post that you can share this with your friends & developer communities. ? AT Protocol|@atproto.com(The original form is linked in this blog post, so if you’ve filled out that form already, you’re good to go. ?) Bluesky Call for Developers | BlueskyBluesky is an open social network built on the AT Protocol, a flexible technology that will never lock developers out of the ecosystems that they help build. Wi...? Call for developers! On the AT Protocol, third-party can be as seamless as first-party through custom feeds, federated services, clients, and more. We’d love to welcome more devs to the network to join us in building these services. Please share this short form with developers! AT Protocol|@atproto.com

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