2023-03-01にMastodon関係の書籍の新刊「Mastodon for Dummies」が出版されましたので紹介します。なお、私はまだ読了していません。
Michael McCallister|workingwriter@fosstodon.orgMy wife and I went to Barnes and Noble in Brookfield, Wisconsin yesterday to get pictures of “Mastodon for Dummies.” The staff person who helped us find the shelf had me sign the book. Afterwards she said she’d add an “Author signed” sticker to the cover. That was fun!
Chris Minnick|chrisminnick@hachyderm.ioI wrote a blog post about why we wrote Mastodon For Dummies and the process of doing so.
Summary: It’s a small book, but the most important thing I’ve ever written.
#mastodon @workingwriter #mastodonfordummies
!sns 2023-02-20頃に海外でMastodonの本が出版されたそうです。今日発売日だったようです。 ぐぬ管 (GNU social JP管理人)|gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jpMichael McCallister (@workingwriter)Attached: 2 images My wife and I went to Barnes and Noble in Brookfield, Wisconsin yesterday to get pictures of "Mastodon for Dummies." The staff person who he...https://www.amazon.com/dp/139419336X
Mastodon For Dummiesという書名は、日本語だと「誰でもわかるMastodon」のような意味になるようです。
「Mastodon For Dummies: the most important book I’ve written. – Chris Minnick」で、本書の執筆経緯について
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