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2024-02-13 Tueの「How to Follow Flipboard Magazines in the Fediverse – Flipboard」と以下の投稿群で発表されました。
Post by @mmccue2024-02-13T19:47:27.000ZHello Fediverse Threads. Today we federated 1,000 Flipboard Magazines with millions more on the way in the next few weeks. We introduced magazines in 2012 as a simple way for anyone to curate articles, videos and images into thematic feeds. Since then, millions of magazines have been curated about everything from recipes to roadtrips. All of these will soon be followable from Mastodon, Threads and other ActivityPub apps.medium.com/@mmcc…View on Threads
Mike McCue|mike@flipboard.socialHello Fediverse!
Today we’re taking another important step in our journey to fully federate Flipboard.
This morning we federated 1,000 Flipboard Magazines curated by the publishers we have been testing federation with in addition to 20 new publishers we are federating today. These include magazines like Adventure Travel by Outside, Eater DC by Eater, Explore NYC by Thrillist, Throwbacks by SPIN, and Climate Tech by Bloomberg.
Flipboard Magazines are a simple way to curate articles, images, videos and podcasts into a thematic feed. This powerful curation tool has been at the heart of Flipboard since 2012 with millions of magazines curated since about recipes, road trips, architecture, books, tech trends and so much more.
Federated magazines become native #ActivityPub feeds and can be followed by anyone on Mastodon. For example, check out my Following the Fediverse magazine @following-the-fediverse-mike
I believe that thoughtfully curated feeds have the power to make social media a lot more effective and inspiring so I’m excited to bring millions of these magazines to the #Fediverse as we federate all public curators in the next few weeks.
Check out my Medium post for more details along with a list of some of the great magazines we federated today.
Post by @flipboard2024-02-13T18:15:47.000ZToday we’ve taken another important step toward federating Flipboard, now you can follow 1,000 unique Flipboard Magazines from federated social networks like Mastodon and hopefully soon from @threads!View on Threads
Today, we’re announcing the second phase of our Flipboard federation test: Flipboard Magazines are coming to the Fediverse! Now, you’ll be able to follow content from 1,000 Magazines, organized by themes and topics — so you can get FanSided’s Los Angeles Lakers stories, but nothing about the Yankees. Take a look at @mike’s post, which explains all you need to know about this.
Mike McCue|mike@flipboard.socialHere are Mastodon links to some of the Flipboard Magazines I am actively curating these days:
Covering the rise of the Fediverse and the decline of the walled gardens as social media transitions from closed to open.
@following-the-fediverse-mikeTHE INSIGHT
Stories I’ve read which enlightened me.
Breakthroughs, insights and ideas that change everything.
@nontrivial-mikeFOUNDER’S FORUM
Startup stories and perspectives curated by founders, for founders.
@founder-s-forum-mikeAC/DC AI
When electricity and artificial intelligence intersect.
The art and science of picture taking
Curating important stories about the past, present and future of journalism
@journalism-mikeSAILOR’S LOG
Videos, articles and podcasts for sailors recommended by sailors.
@sailor-s-log-mikeFINAL FRONTIER
Space awesomeness.
Beautiful places I want to explore someday.
@books-that-inspired-me-mikeFor the full list, check out my Flipboard profile at https://flipboard.com/@mike
Flipboard Picks in Culture|CultureDesk@flipboard.socialAttention, U.S.-based folk who are looking for restaurant reviews and other food news that is relevant to where they live! @Eater has federated all of its local Magazines. Here’s how to discover all their stories.
For Atlanta, follow @eater-atlanta-Eater
For Austin, follow @eater-austin-Eater
For Charleston, follow @eater-charleston-Eater
For Chicago, follow @eater-chicago-Eater
For Dallas, follow @eater-dallas-Eater
For Houston, follow @eater-houston-Eater
For Las Vegas, follow @eater-las-vegas-Eater
For Los Angeles, follow @eater-los-angeles-Eater
For Miami, follow @eater-miami-Eater
For Nashville, follow @eater-nashville-Eater
For New Orleans, follow @eater-new-orleans-Eater
For New York, follow @eater-new-york-Eater
For San Diego, follow @eater-san-diego-Eater
For San Francisco, follow @eater-san-francisco-Eater
For Seattle, follow @eater-seattle-Eater
For the Twin Cities (Minneapolis–Saint Paul), follow @eater-twin-cities-Eater
For Washington D.C., follow @eater-dc-Eater
#Flipboard #Federation #Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #Food #Restaurants #FoodCulture #USA
We are working on the best way of sharing the 1,000 Magazines we’ve federated, but in the meantime, here’s a taste of what you can now follow, which includes Magazines about news, politics, technology, science food, culture, travel, sports, and much more.
@adventure-travel-outside by Outside
@apple-news-theverge by The Verge
@artificial-intelligence-and-misinformation-NewsLitProject by The News Literacy Project
@arts-culture-Smithsonianmag by Smithsonian
@axios-local-san-francisco-AxiosNews by Axios
@beauty-HelloBeautiful by Hello Beautiful
@business-Semafor by Semafor
@climate-tech-BloombergGreen by Bloomberg Green
@eater-dc-Eater by Eater
@ebikes-NewAtlas by New Atlas
@environment-energy-ConversationUS by The Conversation
@explore-nyc-thrillist by Thrillist
@family-travel-FrommersMag by Frommers
@fashion-forward-Refinery29 by Refinery 29
@fast-co-design-FastCompany by Fast Company
@film-IndieWire by IndieWire
@gardening-and-plants-TheSpruceMakes by The Spruce
@healthy-eating-RealSimple by Real Simple
@history-Worldatlascom by WorldAtlas
@humans-ScienceAlert by ScienceAlert
@immigration-AxiosNews by Axios
@los-angeles-lakers-fansided by Fansided
@national-security-TheIntercept by The Intercept
@news-straight-from-space-Mashable by Mashable
@philosophy-ancient-modern-thecollector by The Collector
@politics-society-ConversationUS by The Conversation
@russia-ukraine-crisis-euronews by EuroNews
@stories-of-black-america-theculturedesk by Flipboard’s The Culture Desk
@throwbacks-SPINMag by SPIN
@wellness-Allure by Allure
@zora-Medium by Medium#Flipboard #Federation #Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #News #Science #Technology #Lifestyle #Sports #Culture
Flipboard Picks in Culture|CultureDesk@flipboard.socialIt’s vacation-planning time (and also Travel Tuesday), so here are a few federated Magazines to follow, whether you’re looking for gear recommendations, ideas for family travel, outdoor adventures, restaurant suggestions in the world’s best cities (we want to visit NYC) or hotel tips.
@travel-products-travelleisure#Travel #TravelTuesday #Lifestyle #Flipboard #Federation #OpenSocialWeb #Fediverse
Flipboard Picks in Tech|TechDesk@flipboard.socialHere are some newly federated Flipboard tech Magazines to watch and follow.
Posts articles on how to avoid sharing misinformation about or created by AI.
@artificial-intelligence-and-misinformation-NewsLitProjectAPPLE NEWS by The Verge
Shares the latest Apple news, such as products and software updates.
@apple-news-thevergeBREAKING TECH NEWS by Mashable
Offers updates on the biggest technology news.
@breaking-tech-news-MashableFAST-CO TECHNOLOGY by Fast Company
Provides need to know tech news and analysis, from AI in business to industry layoffs.
@fast-co-technology-FastCompanyTECHNOLOGY, GEAR AND GADGET by New Atlas
Showcasing technology breakthroughs in robotics, green tech and more.
@technology-gear-gadgets-NewAtlasSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY US by Conversation US
A collection of informative features on technology and science topics
「取材: Metaのプロダクトマネージャーが明かすThreadsの一般ユーザーのActivityPub対応予定は最短2-3か月以内 | GNU social JP Web」でThreadsが最短2-3か月でActivityPub対応予定との報道が以前ありました。どちらが先に対応するか競争になりそうです。

詳細プロフィール。SNS: X Twitter/GS=gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jp/WP=gnusocialjp@web.gnusocial.jp。2022-07-17からgnusocial.jpとweb.gnusocial.jpのサイトを運営しています。WordPressで分散SNSに参加しています。このアカウントの投稿に返信すると、サイトのコメント欄にも反映されます。