公式: 300以上の名前候補から決めたThreadsのコンテンツデザイン戦略


前回: 公式: ThreadsのiOS/Androidアプリの開発秘話 | GNU social JP Web機能: ThreadsのAPI経由での投稿の成功 | GNU social JP Web


2023-12-19 Monに以下の投稿群で発表されていました。

Post by @designatmeta
The content design team behind the @Threads app generated over 300 names before putting “Threads” and 30 others under an intense microscope. “Content Design plays an important role in the naming process by defining and aligning teams around principles for what a name can communicate and do for a product — along with what to avoid communicating, as well.”Here’s the story behind the Threads content design strategy and what the team has learned since the launch of the app earlier this year.
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“When it comes to naming any product, there is no silver bullet, and opinions can be highly subjective,” says Gina P., a content design director at Meta who led the development of the content strategy for the @threads app. Through in-product writing, information architecture, product terminology, education and communications, content design teams at Meta use language to ensure that product experiences feel simple and easy to navigate. “Threads is an app that is uniquely focused on language, written communication and words,” says Troy T., a content designer who worked with Gina on the content design of Threads. “Our approach to language was to match the minimalism of the app and ensure the words of our users could shine. The challenge with that is the less text you use, the more heavy lifting each word has to do — which means more intention and attention to detail has to be given to every character.”

For the Threads app, the content design team generated over 300 names before putting “Threads” and 30 others under an intense microscope. “We evaluated a diverse set of factors, including what best supported the notion of public discussion, the viability of a name for non-English speaking markets — even the cringe factor,” says Gina. “Content design plays an important role in the process by defining and aligning teams around principles for what a name can communicate and do for a product — along with what to avoid communicating, as well.”

Swipe for more insights behind the Threads content design strategy and what the team has learned since the launch of the app earlier this year.

#ContentDesign #Threads

A post shared by Design at Meta (@designatmeta)


記事: Threadsの第一印象は安定・安全・推薦 | GNU social JP Web」で触れたように、Threadsの名前は、Instagramで2019年頃に実装されたDM機能の流用のように思われていましたが、そうではなく、いちから名前を検討していたようです。


「製品に名前を付ける場合、特効薬はなく、非常に主観的なものになる可能性があります。」とMetaのコンテンツデザインディレクターでThreadsのコンテンツ戦略を主導したGina P.は話します。



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