改版: Firefish v1.0 | Calckey改名の真の理由は例の騒動?


報道: Calckeyの改名予告とベースコードのRustへの書換 | GNU social JP」で予告のあったCalckeyの 改名が実施されたので紹介します。


公式サイト Firefish Calckey
リポジトリ― firefish/firefish: A fun, new, open way to experience social media – firefish – Codeberg.org calckey/calckey: A greatly enhanced fork of Misskey with better UI/UX, security, features, and more! – calckey – Codeberg.org
公式アカウント Firefish (@firefish) | Fediverse Software Calckey (@calckey) | Calckey Cloud
代表サーバー Kainoa (@kainoa) | Firefish Social Kainoa (@kainoa) | Firefish Social

Calckeyとしては「v14.0.0-rc3」 が最終バージョンで、Firefishとしては「v1.0.0」 が最初のバージョンになります。


2023-07-09 Sunに2023-07-19 Wedの改名の予告がありました。

#Calckey announcement :boost_requested: So, drumroll please… $[shake ?]$[shake.delay=0.6s ?]$[shake.delay=1.2s ?] Here’s what’s coming up! Yes, Calckey is undergoing a full rebranding!! But it’s more than that. We’ve worked for MONTHS on this, and there’s going to be a lot of changes and exciting things coming up. This includes: – A new name and logo – Press releases?!?! – A super sick trailer video – A full roadmap for the next couple YEARS – A new flagship server that will be AUTOMATICALLY MIGRATED TO from calckey.social (a Fediverse first!) – A cute new mascot <small><small>:calc_swear: <(I’m not cute?!)</small></small> – A new code hosting service with better CI/CD – The stable release you’ve all been waiting for, but not as v14.0.0… as v1!! And this is all coming on $[x2 July 19th.] Save the date.



私が知っている似たようなプロジェクトのフォークとしてはLibreOfficeやNextcloudがあります。どちらもそれまでのバー ジョン番号を引き継ぎました。コードや機能が連続しているならば、番号を引き継ぐのは悪くないと私は思いました。健全と不健全のジャッジは何 になるのか、私には理解できませんでした。



Hey everyone, Wow, what a wild ride, huh? From those first brainstorming sessions that sparked Calckey, to the epic journey that brings us here today, rebranding as Firefish – I’ve gotta say, I’m seriously blown away. One year ago, Calckey was just my side project, after being a Misskey contributor for a while. But when y’all jumped on board, you made it so much more. You transformed it from my dream to our reality. Firefish isn’t just a cool name. It’s everything we’ve been working towards. It’s late nights, strong coffee, wild ideas, laughs, and even the occasional tears. It’s our little space on the web where we’re constantly pushing for the next big thing, and always looking out for one another. So here we are, at the start of something new. Firefish is more than just a rebrand – it’s a celebration. A celebration of you, me, and us. It’s a tribute to the amazing community we’ve built together. Firefish is all of YOU. We put together video that I feel really gets to the heart of Firefish. We wanted to show you guys what this whole journey has meant to us, and how excited we are to be taking this next step together. Before I go, I just want to say a big, massive, thank you. Thank you to all the patrons who supported this. Thank you to @blackspike for the absolutely stunning logo. Thank you @angelolz for the beautiful trailer. Thank you to our development team who’s made some amazing strides. And thank you all for believing in this wild idea, thank you for your support, and thank you for being part of the coolest community on the web. You guys are the real backbone of all this. Here’s to the next chapter of our journey as Firefish. Exciting times ahead, and I can’t wait to see where we go from here! Posts will shortly follow with release notes, roadmaps, technical details, migration plans. I’ll keep this thread updated. Much love, Kainoa
“Wait, so what’s going to happen to calckey.social?” you may be asking. Well, later today (in a couple hours or so), the server will be migrated to https:///firefish.social . You’ll get to keep your same username, login, posts, followers, etc. For now, we’re upgrading to Firefish v1.0.0.

今回のリブランディングの案内でした。1年前Misskeyのコントリビューターだった著者の再度プロジェクトとして始まった Calckeyが、多くの貢献者の参加により大きなプロジェクトになりました。Firefishのプロモーションビデオと、新しいロゴの著者 へのお礼も述べていました。

なお、代表サーバーのcalckey.socialはfirefish.socialに移行予定 (2023-07-20T10:30Z頃) で、ソフトウェア自体はFirefish v1.0.0に更新済みとのことです。

$[x2 Firefish v1.0.0 release!] FULL RELEASE NOTES: https://codeberg.org/firefish/firefish/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Welcome to the new era of FIREFISH! **Changelog** **Major changes from last release candidate** – Firefish branding!! – Far better Mastodon API support – Edits are now non-experimental – Support for secondary cache server – Link verification with `rel=me` – Store antennas in cache – Post imports with media – Sytle fixes – More translations – Performance upgrades – Bug fixes – Faster build – [FoundKey](https://genau.qwertqwefsday.eu/notes/9h0lqlg05m) -> Firefish migration fixes **Major changes from stable** All of the above, plus: – Post editing – Post imports – New post design – New header design – Better accessibility – Server silences – Modmail – New MFM effects – Meilisearch search engine – Channel search – Improved system emails – cuid2 IDs – Emoji skin tones – New 2FA flow – Reduced visual clutter – Deck view improvements **Upgrading** **If upgrading from v13 (old stable)** **In addition to the rest of the steps after this**: – Install the Rust toolchain (v1.68.0 or higher): <https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install> – (Optional) install Meilisearch to use as a search engine instead of Sonic: <https://www.meilisearch.com/> – Replace your config file (`.config/default.yml`) with a blank version of the example (`.config/example.yml`) and re-enter the information. This will make things easier. **Dependencies** – Upgrade to at least Node v20.3.1 (v20.4.0 recommended). – (Optional, recommended) install DragonflyDB and configure under `cacheServer`: <https://www.dragonflydb.io/> **Pull** “`sh git pull –ff “` **Upgrade packages** “`sh corepack enable pnpm i “` **Build** “`sh NODE_ENV=production pnpm run build “` **Migrate** There are 3 new envoriment variables for this upgrade only, because antennas have been moved from the database to the cache. – `ANTENNA_MIGRATION_SKIP`: skips copying antennas to cache if `true`. Default is `false` (will clear all antennas if skipped). – `ANTENNA_MIGRATION_COPY_LIMIT`: limits how many entries are copied to cache. Default is `0` (no limit). – `ANTENNA_MIGRATION_READ_LIMIT`: limits how many entires are read from the database in each iteration of migration. Large value may result in faster migration, but also may consume more memory. Default is `10000`. With default options: “`sh NODE_ENV=production pnpm run migrate “` With custom options (feel free to only use some): “`sh NODE_ENV=production ANTENNA_MIGRATION_SKIP=false ANTENNA_MIGRATION_COPY_LIMIT=0 ANTENNA_MIGRATION_READ_LIMIT=1000 pnpm run migrate “` And then restart Calckey…uh… Firefish!

改名・リブランディングの他にバグ修正などの修正も入ったv1.0.0の公開になりました。最終安定板のv13からだと投稿編集、投稿イン ポートなどの機能追加もあるようです。

Hello everyone! Due to some issues with the Gitlab repository, we’ve moved back to Codeberg for the time being, and put out v1.0.1 which fixes some repo-related issues. Thank you for your patience! :firefish:


Big news today! We’ve traded in the name #Calckey for a fresh, dynamic identity, #Firefish! Over the past several months, we’ve been pouring our energy and focus into this thrilling rebranding journey, operating behind the scenes to orchestrate this metamorphosis for you. Can you believe it? Quite a transformation indeed. Keeping this all a secret was a bit tough, but it was the right call. As much as I’ve grown attached to our good old ‘Calckey’, it was often mistaken for a math app rather than the social media powerhouse it really is. Plus, our project has beautifully evolved into a thriving, community-centric endeavor, so a name change to reflect that felt right. Now let’s talk about the new Firefish logo, which I’m absolutely fond of. Its bold yet approachable style resonates with me. I’m also really digging the vibrant red and orange hues. And have you visited joinfirefish.org? The interactive logo gives you a little wink and glug, as if it’s happily swimming in the vast digital sea. It genuinely feels like it’s diving into the deep corners of the #Fediverse. But here’s the best part: Firefish isn’t just a name. It represents our welcoming and passionate community, underpinned by our robust, feature-filled software that never stops pushing boundaries. Firefish is like this friendly deep-sea explorer taking the plunge into the wild waves of the social media world. Ready to jump in with us? Let’s make a splash! @fediversenews
firefish-logo-landscape small.pngfirefish-logo-square small.pngfirefish-logo-text standard.png

Calckeyの開発に協力していたChris Trottierから今回の改版についての声明でした。今回のFirefishのロゴは鮮やか案赤とオレンジで、広大なデジタルの海を楽しそうに泳いでい るようなデザインになっています。単なる名前ではなく、ソーシャルメディアの世界の荒波に飛び込む、フレンドリーな深海探検家のようなイメー ジとのことです。


以前の予告では、元々のCalckeyが著者のKainoaの名前が由来で、プロジェクトが大きくなって相応しくなくなったからが改名の理 由でした。



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