アプリ: 執筆UXに特化したNostr WebアプリShipyard


新しいNostr WebアプリのShipyard (Shipyard) が公開されていたので紹介します。


? Introducing SHIPYARD! A Quiet Space for Loud Ideas: Focused Writing for Nostr Shipyard is a Nostr client focused on enhancing your *writing* experience, managing your content schedule, and ensuring your ideas get the chance to shine. Shipyard implements a set of cornerstone features to make your writing experience more enjoyable. ✅ Zen-mode editor -— Write without distractions. ✅ Schedule responses and reposts of any note. ✅ Multi-account support from the get-go. Manage different accounts by pairing Shipyard with nsecBunker. ✅ Schedule reposts so your notes are seen when the other side of the world wakes up. ✅ Queues: keep different queues with separate schedules so you never miss a “gm @fiatjaf” again. And a bunch of important goodies that shine in the background: ✅ Hotkeys. Hotkeys EVERYWHERE. ✅ Autosaved notes. ✅ Drafts. ✅ Extremely clean threading support. I’ve always been fascinated by writing tools for social media platforms—a place where you can go to create content without getting sidetracked by the latest meme warfare. Shipyard will be a tool I will be building on with a LOT of interesting features. It will always be free to use, and, because of my mantra of “Fund the change you want to see in the world,” I’m opening up a few tiers for Supporters ($10/mo) and Patrons ($16/mo) who choose to support developers and development in Nostr. Check it out: ? https://shipyard.pub https://cdn.satellite.earth/570801d535376dae17250149d8d7e3f68d2ab290161af43379c18b9d3d2eefcc.png






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