先日「アプリ: Mozillaが支援するMastodon iOSアプリMammoth | GNU social JP」でMastodon iOSアプリを紹介したばかりですが、新しくMastodon iOSアプリのWoollyがApp Storeで公開されたとの報道があったので紹介します。
「Woolly for Mastodon on the App Store」で公開されています。
「Woolly introduces a Twitter and TweetDeck-inspired Mastodon app | TechCrunch」で紹介されていました。
? Woolly: Schöner tröten in Mastodon
「Woolly: Schöner tröten in Mastodon auf iPhone & iPad | Mac Life」でも紹介されていました。
!sns woolyというMastodonアプリの話の模様。 Woolly introduces a Twitter and TweetDeck-inspired Mastodon app | TechCrunch – https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/24/woolly-introduces-a-twitter-and-tweetdeck-inspired-mastodon-app/ ぐぬ管 (GNU social JP管理人)|gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jp
Do you feel there are not enough Mastodon apps out there?
Fret not, I have a brand new one for you!You can now try a very early version of Woolly, my new Mastodon client for iOS.
Lots of things are missing and probably broken, but I’d like to start collecting feedback.
You can join Woolly TestFlight here:
その後、2023-03-21にApp Storeへの公開予告がありました。
I definitely sat on this app for too long – there’s still a ton to do but it’s time to go live on the store.
@woollyapp will officially be available on the App Store on Thursday March 23rd.
That’s my birthday so it seems like a good candidate for a public release ?Stay tuned on this channel for a fresh link to the App Store.
And thank you for all the feedback so far!
Woolly for Mastodon is now officially available on the App Store!After a couple of interesting days the app is finally live.
Thanks to all the beta testers and for all of your feedback.
There’s still a ton to do, so keep it coming.Enjoy and give it a boost ?
Woolly for Mastodon is finally available on the App Store. ??
Version 1.0 is just the beginning and there’s still a lot of work to do, so all your feedback is very much appreciated.
You can try the app for free ?
If any member of the press covering Apple and Mastodon wants to write about Woolly here you can find a brief press kit with nice screenshots.
「Woolly Press Kit」にあります。
New Woolly @woollyapp client for Mastodon has some nice UI touches, including:
– Not only is the tab bar fully customisable, you can place a specific list or followed tag there. This is a brilliant option for one-tap access to what matters to you, which I haven’t seen in an other app.
– A pane which you swipe in from the left provides a handy list of all timelines, sections, and Mastodon lists or tags.
– Threads are presented in an outline, making it easy to see what each post is in reply to.

詳細プロフィール。SNS: X Twitter/GS=gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jp/WP=gnusocialjp@web.gnusocial.jp。2022-07-17からgnusocial.jpとweb.gnusocial.jpのサイトを運営しています。WordPressで分散SNSに参加しています。このアカウントの投稿に返信すると、サイトのコメント欄にも反映されます。