機能: ThreadsのActivityPubでの一部ユーザーの投稿購読開始と今後の予定


前回: 機能: EUでのThreadsはInstagramアカウントなしでも閲覧可能 | GNU social JP Web

機能: ThreadsのEU対応、ActivityPub対応のテスト開始、Webアプリの絵文字検索、ファクトチェック予告 | GNU social JP Web」でThreadsのActivityPub対応のテスト開始を紹介しました。当初は、プロフィールへのフォローだけで投稿は購読できていませんでしたが、その後発表があり投稿を購読可能になりました。他にActivityPub対応の今後の予定があったので紹介します (Adam Mosseri spells out Threads’ plans for the fediverse – The VergeMastodon founder touts Threads’ federation, saying it makes his X rival ‘a far more attractive option’ | TechCrunch)。

Post by @mosseri
Two important Threads updates ??First, Threads is expanding to more countries across Europe, so people there can follow and join the conversations they care about. We’re starting to roll out in more countries now on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store; threads.net is live everywhere now.
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Post by @mosseri
Second,threads posted by me and a few members of the Threads team will be available on other fediverse platforms like Mastodon starting this week.This test is a small but meaningful step towards making Threads interoperable with other apps using ActivityPub – we’re committed to doing this so that people can find community and engage with the content most relevant to them, no matter what app they use.
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2023-12-14 Thuにまず先日のEU対応とActivityPub対応の更新についての説明です。この中で、ActivityPub対応では、Adam MosseriとThreadsチーム (人物: Threads関係者アカウント一覧 | GNU social JP Web) の数人のメンバーの投稿が他のActivityPub対応SNSから購読可能になったと説明しました。

Post by @mosseri
Fediverse update thread ??For those of you who don’t know, @Threads is being built on the ActivityPub protocol, which means that it will be interoperable with other apps/servers like Mastodon over time. This week we took a small, but important, step by allowing people in the Fediverse, who don’t use Threads or even have an Instagram account, to follow my Threads account as well as a few others. Content is starting to flow from Threads to the Fediverse.
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Post by @mosseri
We are working to make this option available to all public accounts on Threads, not just a handful of testers. We’re starting small to make sure we have time to work through all the challenges, as our systems historically have been not been designed with this use case in mind.
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Post by @mosseri
We also plan to make it so replies from people in the Fediverse can show up for people posting from Threads to the Fediverse. It’s a bad experience now that I have to leave the Threads app to see replies I’m getting from the broader community.
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Post by @mosseri
We also plan to build support for Threads users to follow Fediverse accounts, so that content can flow from the Fediverse back into Threads.There’s a fair amount to figure out with regards to privacy and integrity, but we’re actively working through those issues.
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Post by @mosseri
Eventually,it should also be possible to enable creators to leave Threads and take their followers with them to another app/server. I believe that it’s important that creators own their relationship with their audience.
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Post by @mosseri
I expect all of this to take the better part of a year, and to roll out in stages. That’s a lot longer than I, or anybody on the team, wants, but it’s the reality given all the other work we need to be balance.
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Post by @shubhankar_91
Hi Fediverse Threads! I’m a software engineer on @threads, currently working with @christophersu
and @pcottle on the threads activity pub integration.
I recently moved from London to New York with my wife and my 7 month old daughter to be part of this effort!
Prior to this, I was working on IG NFT team in London, and built the NFT blockchain indexer infra.
I am glad to see such an amazingly positive response to our first activity pub integration and I am excited for next year! Thank you!
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