前回: 役務: Threadsのインフルエンサー向け分析・管理の総合サービスInterweave | GNU social JP Web、機能: Threads Webアプリの外観テーマにオートモードの追加 | GNU social JP Web。
「機能: Threadsの音声投稿のActivityPub暫定対応 | GNU social JP Web」に続くThreadsのActivityPub対応の続報です。引用投稿が実装されたとの報道があったので紹介します (Last Week in Fediverse – episode 53 – The Fediverse Report)。
Hi @crepels , I’m an engineer on Threads and just wanted to let you know that we added support for Quote posts on ActivityPub!
Your awesome blog post pointed this out:
https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/understanding-activitypub-part-4-threads/The changes rolled out earlier this week. Now quote posts look nice on Firefish 😇
Thanks again for writing the post, we have been sharing it with a ton of folks who are curious and what an introduction and technical tutorial 🙌🏻
Sebastian Jambor|crepels@mastodon.socialreplying to Pcottle|pcottle@cyberplace.social@pcottle Thanks, that’s great! 😀
I see that you are using the _misskey_quote field. If you are able to share, I’d be interested in what made you choose this over quoteUrl or quoteUri. Is there better support for _misskey_quote in other Fediverse services?
Pcottle|pcottle@cyberplace.socialreplying to Sebastian Jambor|crepels@mastodon.social@crepels
the reasoning was that `quoteUrl` and `quoteUri` aren’t officially keys in the activity streams namespace, so we figured it’s better to use something that’s obviously unofficial (_misskey_quote). I don’t think there were any compatibility concerns either.This was helpful advice from @trwnh btw!
#Threads is attempting to communicate the inclusion of quote posts in their AP messages.
Unfortunately, there’s not a true agreed upon standard for quote posts. Some #FediApp developers have made an agreement amongst themselves as to how that should work. Threads is not following those rules and has decided to use a _misskey_quote attribute in the AP messages. This isn’t coming across in the quote post format in most apps I use.
From: @pcottle

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