前回: 機能: Blueskyのロゴ変更と投稿の一般公開開始で認知拡大? | GNU social JP Web。
先日、ロゴの変更・投稿の一般公開の大きめの更新があったBlueskyの続報です (Bluesky rolls out an in-app video and music player and a new ‘hide post’ feature | TechCrunch)。
? App Version 1.61 is rolling out now (1/3) There’s now an in-app video and music player for links! YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Twitch embeds now play in the app. This will only trigger after a tap. (No autoplay.)
? 1.61 is rolling out now (2/3) You can now “Hide Post” if there’s something you don’t want to see again. It will be removed from your feeds and put behind a mask if you visit it directly. (This feature is in beta; hidden posts are not yet synced between your devices.)
? 1.61 is rolling out now (3/3) • Fixed a bug causing muted and blocked account listings to show as empty. • Fixed an issue that would cause an empty home screen. • Fixed a crash bug that would sometimes occur while interacting with threads. • Privacy Policy and ToS links are now easier to find.
- 投稿内のリンク (YouTube/Sound/Cloud/Spotify/Twitch) からメディアプレイヤー表示。
- [Hide Post] の投稿非表示機能。
- バグ修正。

詳細プロフィール。SNS: X Twitter/GS=gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jp/WP=gnusocialjp@web.gnusocial.jp。2022-07-17からgnusocial.jpとweb.gnusocial.jpのサイトを運営しています。WordPressで分散SNSに参加しています。このアカウントの投稿に返信すると、サイトのコメント欄にも反映されます。
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