「#SpaceHost のパブリックβ Lemmyホストの開始 | GNU social JP」で以前紹介したSpaceHostに、Firefishのホスト開始の続報があったので紹介します。
あ!Firefishのホスティングサービスいよいよ始まるみたい。 Kaori :firefish:|kaori@cal.vino.blue#SpaceHost should start e-mailing invites, to those who joined the waiting-list, for #Firefish starting today. Probably in the next 2 or 3 hours. We try to space out the e-mails — and not send it to everyone on the waiting list all at once. So some people on the waiting list might receive their invite next week, or the week after that, etc. @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:|reiver@mastodon.social#SpaceHostBTShttps://spacehost.one/
#SpaceHost started sending out invites for #Firefish to those who joined the waiting-list.
We try to space out the e-mails — and not send it to everyone on the waiting list all at once. So some people on the waiting list might receive their invite next week, or the week after that, etc.
The wait is finally over! @spacehost has officially launched fully-managed hosting services for #Firefish. We just sent out invites to the first 50 people on our waiting list. But don’t worry, there will be more invites coming your way soon! And here’s the best part: with #SpaceHost, setting up your Firefish server is a piece of cake. You’ll have it up and running within just 5 minutes. The best part? You don’t need any previous admin experience at all to get things working. How awesome is that? ? Chris Trottier|atomicpoet@firefish.social
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