公式: Blueskyとは何か?専門用語を使わない一般的な回答


2023-06-13にBlueskyの公式記事「What is Bluesky? – Bluesky」が公開されたので紹介します。


What is a protocol? How does decentralization work? And can you talk to me in non-tech speak? You asked and we answered: https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/6-13-2023-what-is-bluesky If you don’t read paragraphs and only consume content in post form. I’ve summarized below:
(1/5) Digital lives are fragmented across multiple platforms & when you move from one platform to another, you have to start over w/ no followers or content. It’s like moving cities without being able to move your stuff or being able to keep in touch with your friends.
(2/5) Bluesky wants to rebuild social so that: – Users own their data and can take it anywhere they want to go. – Developers will never get locked out of the ecosystems they help build. – Creators will always own their relationships with their audience.
(3/5) To achieve our goal, we designed a new approach to storing & retrieving info across multiple servers, even the ones not run by us. We want to make social media work more like the open systems of the early web, like blogging and email.
(4/5) Using the analogy of cities, centralized platforms are like one big city that everyone lives in. Decentralized platforms are like a network of cities & the protocol that Bluesky is built on gives you a passport to travel freely across cities with your belongings and friends.


Bluesky: A Short Overview

現在、我々のデジタルライフは、断片化されていて、複数のSNSでプロフィールを持っています。あるサイトから、別のサイトに移転しようと すると、これまで構築してきた友達・フォロワーや投稿データがなくなった状態で最初からやり直す必要があります。Webサイトへのリンクを貼 ることは簡単にできますが、ユーザーとコンテンツを移転する方法が組み込まれておらず、ユーザーがIDの維持を困難になっているため起こって います。




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